Estimados Colegas:
Les reenvío la información sobre un interesante encuentro sobre manuales escolares, que nos ha remitido el Profesor Marc Depaepe, de laUniversidad de Lovaina.
El encuentro se celebrará en Ypres (Bélgica),
los días 5 y 6 de octubre de 2007.
Un cordial saludo,Gabriela Ossenbach
Call for papers
What makes or made a textbook a textbook?
The nature and identity of a teaching aid examined more closely11th. Meeting of the “Internationale Gesellschaft für Historische und Systematische Schulbuchforschung”, Ypres, 5-6 October 2007ThemeIn recent decades, much attention has been devoted to the study of thetextbook both historically and theoretically. Generally, the concern hasbeen for the teaching content. Thus, for example, one wonders how valuesand norms are rendered in the subject matter presented. But textbooksare more than a mirror of the society, for they are not only anessential component of the teaching process but also an icon of theinstitution in which they are used. We can hardly imagine an institutionwithout textbooks, and, inversely, it is only this institution thatgives the raison d’être to textbooks. As yet, little historical andsystematic research has been done on the way textbooks acquire theirsocial identity. The international association for historical andsystematic textbook research, which will meet for the fist time outsideof Germany in 2007, has taken up this question. Three lecturers (AgustínEscolano, Elisabeth Smyth & Thomas Hoene) will approach the question onthe basis of their research. We will like to confront their insightswith the results of your study.Paper proposals of a maximum of 300 words will be received by Dr. AngeloVan Gorp by 1 March 2007 Angelo.vangorp@ped.kuleuven.be
Please give your name,institution, e-mail address and postal address. If there are severalauthors, please indicate the contact person. You will be informed of theacceptance of your proposal by 1 April 2007 at the latest.The scientific committee consists of E. Matthes (InternationaleGesellschaft für Historische und Systematische Schulbuchforschung),Robert Barbry (Stedelijk Onderwijsmuseum Ieper), Angelo Van Gorp(BNVGOO), Tom Verschaffel (Centrum voor de Historische Studie vanInterculturele Relaties, 1750-2000), Honoré Vinck (Centre Aequatoria),Michel Berré (Centre du Livre - UMH), Frank Simon (Red Patre Manes –Alfa project) and Marc Depaepe (Subfaculteit PPW K.U.Leuven CampusKortrijk).Practical information :The meeting will take place in Ypres on the 5th and 6th of October 2007(for more information about Ypres, see www.Ieper.be). Ypres offersextensive hotel accommodation in several price classes. A list of hotelswill be provided upon your definitive registration. The registration feefor this two-day conference is 80 €.
More information can be obtainedfrom Dr. Angelo van Gorp or from the other members of the scientificcommittee.
Please give your name,institution, e-mail address and postal address. If there are severalauthors, please indicate the contact person. You will be informed of theacceptance of your proposal by 1 April 2007 at the latest.The scientific committee consists of E. Matthes (InternationaleGesellschaft für Historische und Systematische Schulbuchforschung),Robert Barbry (Stedelijk Onderwijsmuseum Ieper), Angelo Van Gorp(BNVGOO), Tom Verschaffel (Centrum voor de Historische Studie vanInterculturele Relaties, 1750-2000), Honoré Vinck (Centre Aequatoria),Michel Berré (Centre du Livre - UMH), Frank Simon (Red Patre Manes –Alfa project) and Marc Depaepe (Subfaculteit PPW K.U.Leuven CampusKortrijk).Practical information :The meeting will take place in Ypres on the 5th and 6th of October 2007(for more information about Ypres, see http://www.ieper.be/). Ypres offersextensive hotel accommodation in several price classes. A list of hotelswill be provided upon your definitive registration. The registration feefor this two-day conference is 80 €. More information can be obtainedfrom Dr. Angelo van Gorp or from the other members of the scientificcommittee.As of January 2007, this and other information will be posted on
Ilustración: Leuven Town Hall
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